Bells & Whistles

Link Research


We will find appropriate links for your Web site resource page if you don’t want to do it yourself. Please note: These links are not incoming links for search engine positioning. They are resource links for your site visitors. While incoming links are very helpful in search engine positioning, there is growing evidence that outgoing local links are also important in making your site ‘authoritative’ in the assessment/ranking by Google

Stock Photography Research


If you need to have us find stock photography for your site, we charge you for the research time. We do not charge for using any ‘free’ photos.

Random Testimonial Generator

$100 (during site construction)

Display multiple testimonials in a small footprint. It’s a great way to present what people say about you without appearing to be egocentric.

Call for quote on retrofitting to an existing site

Payment Calculator


If we are not your webmasters, we can zip this up and send to your webmaster for installation at your site.

Pre-Qualification Calculator


If we are not your webmasters, we can zip this up and send to your webmaster for installation at your site.

Slide Show


Including 10 photos. Additional photos are $10 each if sent to us digitized. $20 each if we have to scan. If we are not your webmasters, we can zip this up and send to your webmaster for installation at your site.